Wednesday, January 21, 2009


When you feel deeply about someone, could you pin down the exact moment when it switched from 'it doesn't exist' to 'it exists'?

I guess it all started as a tiny seed of possibility. With a little bit of luck, the seed grows into a little bud of interest. Then the steady nurturing and watering of conversations and interactions helps it to be a beautiful flower of love and caring.

Don't you think?


Felicia said...

Wow. Keren lho tulisannya. Hihihi...

Ganti layout lagi!!! Aku lagi nyariin Ana gak ketemu-ketemu. Layoutku apa kabar.... >_<

Cee~ said...

hihihi, the muse has finally strucked me. Biasa, kalo lagi perasaan kaya gini inspirasi mengalir deras... :P

Ana bilang kamu yang apa kabar, dah ditungguin gak nongol2..

Felicia said...

Iya kapan hari itu aku ketiduran. Hihihi... Trus besokannya aku mau bangun pagi tapi nggak bisa lagi. Maklum waktu itu aku lagi kebut Waterboys season 1. Hahaha.. Mungkin weekend ini aku mau kebut Waterboys season 2 =P

Eh btw, aku baru tau bisa imel follow up comment. Hahahah....

My World said...

cecee.. mksde aku mbo suru buka ituu soalee post ku yang terakhir nyambung sama yang ini ya? hehehe

Cee~ said...

na iya, kok isa sama ya bikin analoginya. ;)